Sunday, July 30, 2017

Baton Rouge SEO: 6 Personalized Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Personalized marketing lets marketers deliver unique experiences to their target audience in ways that weren’t previously possible. Marketing methods that once consisted of generic and static messages can now be tailored to a user’s individual preferences, and this in turn can result in better engagement between a business and its customers.

Granted, very few marketers have actually achieved true personalization on a one-to-one level. So what’s preventing businesses from achieving this ideal? Three pitfalls are identified as the most common reasons for this epic fail.

1. Making customers feel that their privacy has been violated Consumers are very protective of their personal data, and any unauthorized use of it will instantly make them uncomfortable. Exercise restraint when doing personalization, and consider how intrusive your ads might appear. Pushing for familiarity too early could cast the seed of mistrust on your brand. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2vj28Kd

1 comment:

  1. An SEO service will provide you with the technical knowledge you need to avoid such pitfalls. They can also help you work with issues such as redirects and errors to ensure your site appears to be perfectly optimized in the eyes of search engines.

    professional seo expert
